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The First Deo Veritas Fitting Event in Chicago

Giorgio D'Antonio

Our First Deo Veritas Fitting Event In Chicago

Upwards of 100 guests rolled through Naansense’s doors two Saturday’s ago. By all accounts, this first Fit­ting & Tast­ing event was not just a learn­ing expe­ri­ence but a resound­ing suc­cess. Get­ting in front of guys and show­ing them what makes our prod­ucts spe­cial is some­thing we’re tru­ly pas­sion­ate about it. We can’t thank every­one enough for show­ing up. It was an amaz­ing night that we can’t wait to do again.

We want­ed to cre­ate an envi­ron­ment that allowed our guests to open their eyes and sens­es, and sam­ple our prod­ucts in a risk free envi­ron­ment. How we got there is a sto­ry worth telling.

Naansense signage and Deo Veritas fitting event

A taste for the senses.

Naansense, led by its founder Viral Patel has been in blitzkrieg mode since they inau­gu­rat­ed 6 months ago. Their mod­el is focused on bring­ing fast, casu­al, decon­struct­ed takes on many tra­di­tion­al Indi­an clas­sics. Chefs Hiran Patel and Sahil Singh draw from their roots in Lon­don and Mum­bai to serve both tra­di­tion­al Indi­an foods and recipes re-imag­ined with a mod­ern Amer­i­can spin. Their growth with­in such a short peri­od has been noth­ing short of phe­nom­e­nal, as their numer­ous online reviews and round-the-block lines can attest.

Sample Custom Deo Veritas Fitting event Dress Shirt

Deo Ver­i­tas’ sto­ry is a bit dif­fer­ent. Being a brand that sells exclu­sive­ly online, the team felt it was time to branch out and let cus­tomers phys­i­cal­ly see and touch our prod­ucts. It’s one thing to see pix­els on a screen but quite anoth­er to behold. Quite sim­ply, our goal for the night was to get in front of our cus­tomers and inter­act in a more inti­mate envi­ron­ment. As we seek to add new prod­ucts and ser­vices, there is no bet­ter test­ing ground than a venue such as this.

Some of the churn from the Deo Veritas fitting event we overheard:

I nev­er knew Indi­an food could taste like this. I’m pret­ty accus­tomed (and bored) with the usu­al sus­pects, e.g. But­ter Chick­en and Naan. This was total­ly dif­fer­ent and unex­pect­ed.”

I’m obvi­ous­ly famil­iar with tai­lors but I nev­er saw myself as a can­di­date – due to what I thought was a very exclu­sive price point. Deo Ver­i­tas’ mod­el is appeal­ing since it looks like some­thing I can not only afford, but some­thing I can do with­out ever sit­ting foot in a store.”

One of the cool­er events I’ve been to in Chica­go. When you’re told you’re going to an event at an Indi­an restau­rant, you’re expect­ing pret­ty much the usu­al – cheesy Bol­ly­wood music and food heav­i­ly drenched in oil and but­ter. I could not have been more wrong. Great house music by a live DJ, cool décor, and some amaz­ing, non-tra­di­tion­al Indi­an food. Would love to come to some­thing like this again.”

I’ve always hat­ed the way my off the rack shirts fit due to my let’s call it “unique” physique. I guess I just accept­ed that I was an out­lier. Vin­nie sized me up and gave me a lot of good advice that I’ll put to good use when I order.”

We want to thank every­one that made it out. It was all we antic­i­pat­ed and then some. At the next event, be pre­pared to see some new addi­tions to our line­up, i.e. SUITS!

And with­out fur­ther adieu, a few pho­tos that help frame the evening:

Deo Veritas Fitting Event shirts on display
Cus­tom Dress Shirts by Deo Ver­i­tas on Dis­play at Naansense


deo veritas fitting event marketing material
Brochures and Trin­kets


Collar and cuff links at deo veritas fitting event
Col­lars, Cuffs, and Cuff Links


Swatch books at the deo veritas fitting event
Fab­ric Books


Signature centerpiece at deo veritas fitting event
Cen­ter­piece Flow­ers


Hard at our at the deo veritas fitting event
Deo Ver­i­tas Cus­tom Dress Shirt Dis­play Booth


talking to customers at the deo veritas fitting event
Talk­ing with Cus­tomer


taking measurements at the deo veritas fitting event
Mea­sure­ment Pho­to


Food from naansense at deo veritas fitting event
Filo Shells from Naansense


chicken drumstick at deo veritas fitting event
Naansense Cur­ried Chick­en Drum­stick
curry fries at deo veritas fitting event
Upma and Cur­ry Fries


founder of naansense at deo veritas fitting event
Naansense Founder Viral Patel


naansense bar at deo veritas fitting event
View from Above


Deo Veritas loyalists at deo veritas fitting event
DJ Al Dente


DV Owners at Deo Veritas fitting event
Vin­nie & Navi

A tru­ly fan­tas­tic event which we can’t wait to do again. Keep your eyes and ears open for an email from us very soon.