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The Other Aviator Sunglasses | Pilot Aviators

Giorgio D'Antonio

The Iconic Pilot Aviators.

I love the smell of napalm in the morn­ing. Mean­ing, I dig the sun­glass­es worn by Colonel Kil­go­re in Apoc­a­lypse Now. They’re mil­i­tary issued and look great on any­one, espe­cial­ly some­one like myself, with the hard angled frames giv­ing an edge to an oval shaped face.

Pilot aviators apocalypse now iconic
Orig14 3

They also look good on Travis Bick­le.

Travis Pilot aviators iconic style
Travis Bick­le sun­glass­es

And on everyone’s favorite ad man, Don Drap­er.

Dapper Don Draper pilot aviators
don drap­er sun­glass­es

A forgotten classic.

Teardrop avi­a­tors are a dime a dozen but the pilot’s are most­ly for­got­ten. You won’t run into many peo­ple wear­ing them. And if you do, that means they appre­ci­ate excel­lent films and good style.

The orig­i­nals are made by Ran­dolph Engi­neer­ing at a lit­tle over $100. Or you can get some­thing very sim­i­lar at half the price by Amer­i­can Opti­cal.

Pilot aviators sunglasses perfectly made
pilot avi­a­tor sun­glass­es

Sun­glass­es are a long run­ning sta­ple as an acces­so­ry and for good rea­son. It frames our most impor­tant fea­ture. And dur­ing the dog days of Sum­mer or a frigid morn­ing in Decem­ber, pro­tect­ing our­selves from the glare of moth­er nature is a year round oblig­a­tion.

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