Our Press Release

Deo Ver­i­tas issued a press release today, basi­cal­ly just let­ting folks know who we are and what we do (see below for the actu­al copy from PRWeb).  Inter­est­ing­ly enough, we got picked up by a cou­ple of inter­est­ing news out­lets, most notably Scot­trade.

It’s only been a cou­ple of days, but the feed­back so far has been great!  Keep check­ing back for more updates.

Can an “E-Tai­lor” Con­tend with Tra­di­tion­al Tai­lors? Deo Ver­i­tas Launch­es It’s Cus­tom Made Dress Shirt Web­site

Deo Ver­i­tas, a pre­mi­um cloth­ing label spe­cial­iz­ing in tai­lored mens dress shirts, launched its inter­ac­tive web­site this week. The Chica­go based start up allows its customer’s to design and pur­chase their own cus­tom made dress shirts online.

Chica­go, IL (PRWEB) August 5, 2009 — Final­ly, any­one with inter­net access can build a wardrobe with afford­able, fit­ted dress shirts online — negat­ing the trip to a tra­di­tion­al tai­lor. Deo Ver­i­tas, a pre­mi­um cloth­ing label spe­cial­iz­ing in tai­lored mens dress shirts, launched its inter­ac­tive web­site this week. The Chica­go based start up allows its customer’s to design and pur­chase their own cus­tom made dress shirts online. Users are able to spec­i­fy their own unique pref­er­ences by select­ing from a vari­ety of pre­mi­um Ital­ian fab­rics and styles. List­ed shirt prices begin at $65 USD and include all incurred charges (ship­ping and tax­es). Shirts arrive with­in 2 1/2 weeks, any­where with­in the US or Cana­da.

From founder Vin­nie Sik­ka, “With­out ever leav­ing your home or office, Deo Ver­i­tas gives men the abil­i­ty to cre­ate their own dis­tinc­tive style with­out sac­ri­fic­ing fit or qual­i­ty. It’s nev­er been eas­i­er or more con­ve­nient to design and pur­chase a fit­ted dress shirt online. We always felt that hand made cloth­ing should be a lux­u­ry not only afford­ed to the afflu­ent.”

With­out ever leav­ing your home or office, Deo Ver­i­tas gives men the abil­i­ty to cre­ate their own dis­tinc­tive style with­out sac­ri­fic­ing fit or qual­i­ty. It’s nev­er been eas­i­er or more con­ve­nient to design and pur­chase a fit­ted dress shirt online. We always felt that hand made cloth­ing should be a lux­u­ry not only afford­ed to the afflu­ent.
Deo Ver­i­tas tries to com­bine old world crafts­man­ship with 21st cen­tu­ry tech­nol­o­gy. Through the use of their shirt design­er tool (http://deoveritas.com/shirtDesign.php), cus­tomers begin by select­ing the fab­ric of their choice. The user then input’s their pre­ferred col­lar, cuff, pock­et, and plack­et style. Cus­tomers can also per­son­al­ize their shirt through mono­gram­ming and can even select con­trast­ing fab­rics for the (inner and out­er) col­lar and cuffs. Once the customer’s pref­er­ences have been inputted, a 3D mod­el is ren­dered and dis­played on screen.

Deo Ver­i­tas offers three dif­fer­ent mea­sure­ment types. Cus­tomers can select from store bought siz­ing (sim­i­lar to shirt sizes with­in a depart­ment store), exist­ing shirt siz­ing (through the mea­sure­ment of a pre­vi­ous­ly owned shirt), and tra­di­tion­al body mea­sure­ments (iden­ti­cal to the mea­sure­ments a tai­lor would take).

Each tai­lored Deo Ver­i­tas dress shirt is fit to the customer’s body through a series of indi­vid­ual mea­sure­ments. Every piece of each shirt is hand-cut and indi­vid­u­al­ly matched to a spe­cif­ic pat­tern to ensure pro­por­tion and sym­me­try. All shirts are sin­gle nee­dle stitched by a trained arti­san tai­lor.

Deo Ver­i­tas is on the web at http://deoveritas.com as well as at http://deoveritas.com/blog.

Return to our home­page to learn more about cus­tom dress shirts.